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 ACE Fest 2006

   ACE fest kicked off with Commissioner Pedro STYLES an Frankie "The Boss" Leonie Announcing.  Ace's Music Hits and the Entire Heartbreak ExXxpress make their way to the Ring. Ace Says there's No One in the GBHCW that can beat him. And that the Commissioner has to bring some one from out side the States for a worthy opponent. Ace Calls out the Green Cheese and says he has a welcome back to the United States present for him. Cheese makes his way to the Ring to accept the present. After opening the gift, Cheese realizes that it's a Guitar Box and it's Empty. As Cheese Turns around Ace is Behind him waiting with an Actual Guitar and tries to Smash it on Cheese's Head. Cheese Ducks and they exchange punches until Cheese gains control and Ace rolls out of the Ring. The Heartbreak ExXxpress make their way to the back, as Cheese plays to the crowd.

Match #1  Poopy VS Burnout ( Tie Breaker Match )

      Poopy makes his way to the Ring first, followed by Burnout with a Flag with a Marijuana leaf on it. The Announcers explain both wrestlers have a victory over each other and this is to break the tie between them. The Match starts up with a Tie up and Poop takes control throwing Burnout from corner to corner. B.O. comes back with a Bull Dog out of nowhere. Good back and forth action. Poopy Tornado DDT's Burnout from the top rope.  Exchanging of Clotheslines on each other. Burnout goes for a body splash but Poopy gets his knees up. Then Poop goes up top  for a Poop Frog Splash but Burnout rolls out of the way. The action then goes outside with Chairs and Trash cans. Poop sets up a table and continues to work on B.O. a few more chair shots. Poop drops the chair for the time being, and picks up a Plastic Santa Clause throwing him at Burnout. Santa dropkicks Burnout right in the face knocking him off his feet. Poop grabs a Trash can and hits B.O in the head.  The Action makes its way back to the ring, Poopy still with his trash can in hand. Burnout drop kicks the Can into Poop's face and takes control but only until Poop reverses Burnout's Hip toss with a Hip toss of his own followed up with a Clothesline. Poopy then rolls back to the outside and Throws Burnout's Flag into a nearby garbage and appears to be looking for something else to hit his opponent with.  Burnout tries to sneak up on Poopy with a Cookie sheet but Poop Catches him with a sidewalk Slam right through the table. Poop gets back to his feet and grabs the Trash can from the ring just to Hit Burnout again. Poopy rolls B.O. back into the ring and Calls for his Finisher. Poopy sets Burnout up, grabs his head  runs at the corner and climbs the turnbuckle and delivers the Poopy Plunger followed by the pin for the Victory. The winner POOPY!

Match #2 Big Sexy Kevin AWESOME VS P.O.W

     Big Sexy Kevin AWESOME makes his way to the Ring first accompanied by G-Cube, Followed by P.O.W accompanied by Recon. The Match starts out with a Tie up with a knee to the gut from POW to Big Sexy followed up with a Irish whip off the rope then  Clothesline. POW then delivers another Clothesline into the Corner. followed up with a Bulldog in the center of the Ring. POW then goes for another Irish Whip Big Sexy Reverses it then hits a Flying Knee to the face. Big Sexy in total control at this point. Nails a Suplex then picks up POW into a Bear Hug. POW fights out of it and hits a Flying Head Scissors. Good  Back and forth Action, lots of Reversals. P.O.W goes for a Bear Hug of his own with very little effect. Big Sexy Easily gets out with a punch to the head then Irish whips POW and Press Slams him hard. Big Sexy Struts around in the Ring for a bit and makes his way to the Outside and Talks Trash to some of the crowd. POW tries a Body Splash onto Big Sexy when he turns around. But Kevin catches POW and drops him on his knee with a Backbreaker. POW gets back to his feet grabs a Trash can and Nails Awesome in the Head knocking the Big man off his feet. Followed up with another Trash can shot on the ground. G-Cube interferes and takes the Trash can from P.O.W kicks him in the gut and levels him with the Trash can. Recon with Cookie sheet in hand acts like he wants to do some thing while the Ref kicks G-Cube from Ringside and sends him back stage. Big Sexy back to his feet and rolls POW into the ring. POW catches Awesome with a kick to the Gut followed up with a DDT as he enters the Ring. POW sends Big Sexy off of the ropes Kevin Jumps up an over POW and then nails some punches. followed up with a spinning body slam. Kevin drops a Elbow drop followed by another. Big Sexy looking like a man on a mission Shoves POW in the corner and Beal Tosses POW across the Ring. Awesome struts around the Ring a bit and picks up POW setting  him up for His Finisher the Sitout AWESOME Bomb. Big Sexy gets the pin for the Victory. The winner BIG SEXY!

Match #3 G-Cube VS J-Love ( Number 1 Contendership Match )

      Making his way to the Ring first is G-Cube with his Trademark Chain and Lock necklace accompanied by Big Sexy Kevin AWESOME, followed by J-Love. Love takes his time Spinning to the ring and posing for the crowd and staring down Big Sexy.  G-Cube Kicks the rope as Love finally gets into ring causing it to hit J-Love in his Nuts.  G-Cube takes control early in the match beating him down.  Cube taunts the Fans for a bit giving Love time to get to his feet and Lock in a rear headlock hold. Cube with a low blow breaks the hold and takes control again. Ace of Hearts with Sadie Mason and Mr. Vegas make their Way to the Ring to watch the Match.  G-Cube tries to Suplex J-Love but cant get him over. Love reverses with a Suplex of his own. Love gets made fun of by the announcers who are full of J-Love Fun Facts! Love has control of the match. Hitting G-Cube with some Love Taps. Cube reverses J-Loves 2nd sidewalk slam with a head scissors causing Love to roll to the outside to catch his breath. Both wrestlers back in the Ring setting up for a tie up.  Love getting the advantage and catches G-Cube with a knee to the gut. Cube hits Love with another Low Blow behind the Ref's back. Love gets up and both men set up for a Test of Strength. J-Love over powers Cube and knees him in the gut again. Love tries for another Test of Strength. G-Cube Kicks Love in the gut and starts to work on his leg. He Slaps on the figure 4 leg lock. Love Reverses the Figure 4 causing Cube to grab the ropes to break the hold. G Cube bounces off the ropes and hits Love with a Shoulder. J-Love doesn't move. Cube bounces off another rope with a shoulder. J-love still doesn't move an dares him to do it again. Cube off the ropes again stops short an slaps Love right in the face knocking him off his feet. G-Cube Picks up Love and Irish whips him from one corner of the ring to the other.  G-Cube turns his focus on the ref, knocks his beer out of his hand, and knees him in the gut knocking him onto his hands and knees. Setting up for G-Cubes Drive By. Cube runs and jumps off the ref's back onto J-Love in the corner. Love Catches him and reverses it into a power slam of his own.  J-Love back to his feet and sets G-Cube up for a Powerbomb. Big Sexy Kevin Awesome Slides G-Cube his Chain while the Ref is distracted. Love Goes for the Powerbomb but G-Cube Hits him in the face with the chain, knocking J-Love out. G-Cube lands on top of  J-love for the Pin and steals the Victory. The winner and New Number 1 Contender G-CUBE!

Match #4 The MAIN EVENT Green Cheese VS Ace of  Hearts ( GBHCW Title Match )

      The Challenger Green Cheese makes his way to the Ring first, disrobes himself an tosses his Cheese Tophat to Commissioner Pedro Styles. Coming to the Ring Second in true Heartbreak ExXxpress style Ace of Hearts accompanied by his Manager Mr. Vegas an Sadie Mason with the GBHCW title and Guitar in Hand. Ace takes his time getting into the ring. sending Vegas on one side of the Ring and Sadie to the Other to circle the Cheese. The bell is sounded and this Main Event is underway. Ace and Cheese Tie up. Cheese over powers Ace and pushes him backwards. Ace of Hearts Claims the Green Cheese Pulled his hair. Tie Up for the Second time Ace hits a Knee to the HUGE stomach muscles of the Cheese.  Ace clubs the back a few times then sends the Green one into the corner with an Irish whip. Followed up with a Clothesline and a couple of Foot chokes. Ace works the stomach some more. Ace of Hearts goes for an Irish whip from corner to corner but Cheese reverses it and sends Ace into the corner followed up with a Clothesline of his own. Cheese taunts to the crowd as only Cheese can.  Both men go for a tie up again, Cheese gets Ace in a side headlock. Ace catches him with a few elbows to his stomach and sends Cheese off the rope. Ace goes for a Hip toss, Cheese reverses with a Hip toss of his own. Followed up with another  Hip Toss, Clothesline, then Powerslam. Ace rolls to the outside to regroup with Vegas and Sadie. Ace grabs a chair and slides into the ring. Cheese grabs the chair and pulls it from The GBHCW champion. Cheese tries to hit Ace with the Chair, Ace ducks and hits a Spinning kick to the chair knocking Cheese in the face. Ace with the Chair now begins to hit Cheese with it.  Then Sets the Chair up in the corner, an Irish whips the Cheese into the corner with the Chair. Cheese reverses the Irish whip sending Ace Head first into the chair knocking him down with Cheese taking advantage. Cheese working Ace in the Corner with Cheese punches until Sadie distracts Cheese letting Ace get the advantage with a few Kicks. Ace works on the Leg of the Green one for a while, until rolling out of the ring an pulling the Cheese out only to be hit with another Chair shot. Cheese reverses Ace into the Ring Post on the out side sending him flying on to the ground. An exchanging of punches back and forth Cheese takes advantage and sends Ace into the Ring steps. The Green Cheese rolls back in to the Ring, Giving Ace another chance to regroup with Mr. Vegas who slips him some thing. Both wrestlers back into the ring Ace of Hearts grabs a Trash Can an Smashes it over Cheese big Green Head. Cheese reverses a Suplex onto Ace an takes control again. Cheese hits a Clothesline in the corner onto Ace. Sadie Mason Grabs the Leg of the Cheese giving The Champ the opening he needed. Ace kicks Cheese low and drapes him over the second rope with a choke. The Ref Breaks the Choke. Cheese still draped on the rope Ace Climbs to the top rope and Nails a leg drop to the Cheese out of the Ring. G-Cube and Big Sexy make their way ringside and get in the face of Ace. G-Cube says he is gonna take Ace's GBHCW Title. The Ref Kicks Both wrestlers from Ring side. Ace Slides back into the ring and Chokes The Cheese with the chain Mr. Vegas gave him earlier while the ref was distracted. Ace tosses it to the side once the ref turns around and hits a swinging neck breaker onto the Cheese, followed up with a Bulldog. Cheese Lying Motionless on the mat. Ace runs at the Ropes and does a Back flip off the second rope onto the Cheese. Ace of Hearts goes for the Pin. Cheese kicks out at two, Ace argues with the ref over the pin. Ace kicks Cheese a few more times while he is down. Then proceeds to start climbing the ropes setting up for his a high risk maneuver. Ace taunting G-Cube and the rest of the people in the crowd. The Green Cheese makes it to his Feet hitting Ace in the back and setting up for his Finisher the Cheeseafiction. Ace Manages to wiggle free and Nails the Green Cheese with the Heart Breaker.  Ace picks up the Cheese for The Ace in the Hole, but Cheese Collapses from that Kick to the Head he just took apparently is still having troubles standing. Ace calls for his Guitar. Mr. Vegas slides it into the Ring an Sadie proceeds to cover it in Lighter Fluid. Vegas hands Ace a lighter and the Guitar is in Flames. Ace waits for the Cheese to get to his Feet only to be knocked out by the Flaming Guitar shot for the Pin. The Winner and Still GBHCW Champion ACE OF HEARTS!



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